What time is 16:00?


16:00 = 4:00 PM

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16:00 is 4:00 PM on a 12-hour clock and "16:00 Hours" in Military Time. We use this system throughout the world (not just the military) and leverages a 24-hour time clock rather than the 12-hour AM/PM system known to most English-speaking countries. Below are ways to convert 16:00 through a time chart, automated calculator, and ways to convert by hand.

24-hour format 12-hour format
16:00 4:00 PM

16:00 conversion cheat sheet & time chart

A quick cheatsheet for all time conversions like 4:00 PM. Click the clock. Select your time. We'll highlight the row for the time you choose.

Morning Hours

Military Time Regular Time 24-Hour Time
0000 12:00 AM 00:00
0100 01:00 AM 01:00
0200 02:00 AM 02:00
0300 03:00 AM 03:00
0400 04:00 AM 04:00
0500 05:00 AM 05:00
0600 06:00 AM 06:00
0700 07:00 AM 07:00
0800 08:00 AM 08:00
0900 09:00 AM 09:00
1000 10:00 AM 10:00
1100 11:00 AM 11:00

Afternoon Hours

Military Time Regular Time 24-Hour Time
1200 12:00 PM 12:00
1300 01:00 PM 13:00
1400 02:00 PM 14:00
1500 03:00 PM 15:00
1600 04:00 PM 16:00
1700 05:00 PM 17:00
1800 06:00 PM 18:00
1900 07:00 PM 19:00
2000 08:00 PM 20:00
2100 09:00 PM 21:00
2200 10:00 PM 22:00
2300 11:00 PM 23:00

How to convert 16:00 from 24-Hour Time to 12-Hour Standard Time

It is easy to convert from 24-hour time to 12-hour time once you know a few tricks. The primary difference between the two is that the hours in a 24-hour clock go all the way up to 23 (from 0 to 23). In a 12-hour clock, the hour resets to 1 after noon (midday). Follow the steps below to convert 16:00 to 12-hour time.

  1. First, determine whether or not 16 is greater than 12 (recall that this is one of the distinctions of the 12-hour clock, there are no hours "greater" than 12 on it)
  2. The hour 16 is higher than twelve, so we need to subtract 12 from 16 to get our "PM" hour: 16 - 12 = 4
  3. Now add "PM" to the end of the time: 4:00 PM


24-hour time is used in aviation, military, meteorology, logistics, and other fields. The 12-hour clock is only used in 18 countries globally, including the United States and Canada. 24-hour time and military time are very similar! See our military time converter for more information.

16 Hour Conversion Chart

24 Hour Clock 12 Hour Clock (AM/PM) Military Time
16:00 16:00 1600
16:05 16:05 1605
16:10 16:10 1610
16:15 16:15 1615
16:20 16:20 1620
16:25 16:25 1625
16:30 16:30 1630
16:35 16:35 1635
16:40 16:40 1640
16:45 16:45 1645
16:50 16:50 1650
16:55 16:55 1655
17:00 17:00 1700
17:05 17:05 1705
17:10 17:10 1710
17:15 17:15 1715

4:00PM Around the World

In America, 4PM means you’re one hour away from quitting time at the office! However, the ideal of a 9-5 is less of a reality and more of an antiquated way of viewing the work day. Today, 4:00 is just as common to end an 8-hour shift or even leave the office.

4:00 PM in Great Britain is traditionally time for Afternoon Tea. This is a British tradition, originating in the 19th century to fill the time between lunch and dinner which was served sometimes as late as 8pm. It is often confused with High Tea which can be served with heartier dishes. Today, people still enjoy afternoon tea at 4pm if their work schedules allow and is a very common booking in cities as a treat.

In Scotland, High Tea is also served at 4:00 or 5:00pm but is far heartier, serving hot foods and savory dishes headed into the evening.

4:00 PM is also when the Stock Market closes for the day between Monday - Friday. What’s interesting is that NYSE and Nasdaq trade globally but all times are in Eastern Standard Time. The only time they close before 4PM is during holidays when they close at 1pm.