Minutes From Now Calculator

We built the Minutes from Now calculator to get the exact future time when counting my the minute. Any calculation within the hour is quite simple because it follows standard arithmetic. For example, if you want to know the time 15 minutes ahead, add 15 minutes to the current date. However, conversions over 60 minutes get complicated quickly because counting forward by minutes involves dealing with time units, which are base-60 (hours, minutes, seconds) rather than base-10 (like in ordinary arithmetic). We designed our minutes calculator to solve this for you and we tried to calculate minutes as high as possible. If you find any error or if you're looking for an even larger minute calculation, contact us and we'll build it for you.

Converting minutes from now

We have a full suite of time calculators to help convert time in the future. The goal is to keep our tools very simple and easy to use. Simply throw in the number of minutes you want to convert and, you will get a straightforward answer. Below are a few other calculators that can help convert minutes into other time units + our explanation on how to change between time units in everyday life.

How to convert minutes from now into time

  1. Start with Total Minutes: Input the number of minutes you want to convert to hours. This might seem basic, but the key is seeing if it's over or under 60 minutes, which will drastically affect our calculation.
  2. Divide by 60: Divide the total number of minutes by 60 to convert them into hours. Calculation Over 60 Minutes: If the total number of minutes is greater than 60, dividing by 60 yields the number of hours and potentially a remainder, which represents additional minutes Remember, converting minutes work off base-60, not base-10 like regular calculations.
  3. Identify other impacts to time: The division represents the whole number of hours, while any remainder represents additional minutes beyond the whole hours. You now have essentially the hours + minutes needed to find your result. The remainder is so important because it ensures that we're not losing track of any time when converting between minutes and hours. Additionally, you'll need to look at the time zone to see if there will be any changes in how the time will be impacted.
  4. Finalize the Result: After finding your hours and minutes, you can now convert the hours into time. Similar to if the minute calculation is small, you can probably use mental math if the hours are under 12 hours (0r 24 hours for all you brainiacs out there). Beyond 12-24 hours, you now trend into day calculations which will add another dimension to your calculation.

Overall, converting minutes to hours involves simple division, but considering any remainder is crucial for accurately representing the additional time beyond whole hours. This approach ensures that no time is lost or overlooked when converting between minutes and hours.


Difference from Regular Time Conversion: In regular time conversion, such as converting 24-hour time to 12-hour time, the remainder doesn't typically carry the same significance because we're not adding minutes. In minute conversion, dealing with remainders ensures that all time is accurately represented, considering the granularity of minutes.

Calculate Minutes from Now using Excel

My entire workday consists of using excel, so I figured it'd be worth adding a very basic step by step process to completing a calculation like this in excel (or gsheets, but the syntax will be slightly different). Most of the time, conversions from minutes into a new time are really helpful if you're looking to bill hours or add more freelance work to your budget. I usually need to convert someone's hours and minutes into a weekly total + schedule out the days and weeks ahead.

  1. Identify the cell where you want to display the new time.
  2. In that cell, enter the formula:


    This will display the current date and time.

  3. If you want to calculate a specific time from now, you can use the TIME operation. For example, if you want to find out the time 30 minutes from now, you can use the formula:

    =NOW() + TIME(0, 30, 0)

    You can adjust this formula to any minute for the current time.

  4. Now If you only want to display the minutes, and not get a full day/hour time, you can extract the minutes part from the result. For example, if you want to calculate the minutes from now to a specific time, you can use the formula:

    =(NOW() + TIME(0, 30, 0) - NOW()) * 1440

    This formula multiples the calculation by 1440 minutes in a day to get the result in only minutes. You can do the same with 24 for the total hours (helps to use hours and decimals for time tracking).

Calculate minutes to time in the past