What time is 15:00?

15:00 = 3:00 PM

15:00 on a 24-hour clock is is 3:00 PM on a 12-hour clock. This system is used throughout the world (not just the military) and leverages a 24-hour time clock rather than the 12-hour AM/PM system known to most English speaking countries. Below are ways to convert 15:00 through a time chart, automated converter, and how to convert the 24 hour clock into a 12-hour AM/PM system by hand.

24-hour format 12-hour format
15:00 3:00 PM
Start a new conversion

15:00 Time Conversion Chart

24 Hour Clock 12 Hour Clock (AM/PM) Military Time
15:00 15:00 1500
15:05 15:05 1505
15:10 15:10 1510
15:15 15:15 1515
15:20 15:20 1520
15:25 15:25 1525
15:30 15:30 1530
15:35 15:35 1535
15:40 15:40 1540
15:45 15:45 1545
15:50 15:50 1550
15:55 15:55 1555
16:00 16:00 1600
16:05 16:05 1605
16:10 16:10 1610
16:15 16:15 1615

How to convert 15:00 from 24-Hour Time to 12-Hour Standard Time

It is easy to convert from 24-hour time to 12-hour time once you know a few tricks. The primary difference between the two is that the hours in a 24 hour clock go all the way up to 23 (from 0 to 23). In a 12-hour clock, the hour resets to 1 after noon (midday). Follow the steps below to convert 15:00 to 12-hour time.

  1. First, determine whether or not 15 is greater than 12 (recall that this is one of the distinctions of the 12-hour clock, there are no hours "greater" than 12 on it)
  2. The hour 15 is higher than twelve, so we need to subtract 12 from 15 to get our "PM" hour: 15 - 12 = 3
  3. Now add "PM" to the end of the time: 3:00 PM

3:00 PM Around the World

3:00 PM in America is usually the time K-12 schooling ends for the day. There is not a universal hour to stop, but usually between 2:30 and 3:30 is when students begin extra curricular activities and leave for the day.

3:00 PM is also noted in religious sectors known as the hour of Mercy. During this time, part of the Christian sector recommends prayer to represent the exact time of 3:00 PM when Jesus died.

3:00 PM in British football is known as the “Blackout rule” where only two Premier League matches can be televised on Saturdays at 12:30pm and 5:30pm. This means the 3pm game on saturday will remain with the live fans or radio broadcasts