Time Converter

Convert between Days, Weeks, Months, and Years

Using our Time Conversion Calculator

We built this calculator to simplify any time conversion. It was build by our engineer in python and we're really appreciate it if you'd reach out if you find any bugs.

Steps to use:

  1. Use the "Number" field on the form
  2. Type in the numeric value you want to convert
  3. Use the "From Time Unit" dropdown to select the unit associated with the number you have entered
  4. Next, select the "To Time Unit" dropdown to choose the unit you wish to convert your number into.
  5. Click the "Calculate" button to execute the conversion

Day Conversion Chart

Time Unit Amount in 1 Day
Minutes 1,440
Hours 24
Weeks Approx. 0.1429 (1/7)
Months (Average) Approx. 0.0329 (1/30.44)
Years Approx. 0.00274 (1/365)

Week Conversion Chart

Time Unit Amount in 1 Week
Minutes 10,080 (1,440 minutes/day * 7 days)
Hours 168 (24 hours/day * 7 days)
Days 7
Months (Average) Approx. 0.2301 (1 week / 4.345 weeks/month)
Years Approx. 0.0192 (1 week / 52 weeks/year)

Month Conversion Chart

Time Unit Amount in 1 Month (Average)
Minutes Approx. 43,829 (30.44 days * 24 hours/day * 60 minutes/hour)
Hours Approx. 730.4 (30.44 days * 24 hours/day)
Days 30.44 (Average)
Weeks Approx. 4.348 (30.44 days / 7 days/week)
Years Approx. 0.0834 (1 month / 12 months/year)

Year Conversion Chart

Time Unit Amount in 1 Year
Minutes 525,600 (365 days * 24 hours/day * 60 minutes/hour)
Hours 8,760 (365 days * 24 hours/day)
Days 365 (Common year)
Weeks Approx. 52.14 (365 days / 7 days/week)
Months (Average) 12 (Assuming 12 months/year)